Review Self Assessment time! I’m stuck with how to respond to “What two
professional development goals do I want to accomplish in 2022?”
As a background: I’ve been with the company (tech startup 130 employees)
5 years and was promoted 1 year ago from a SR. EA to COS (no backfill no plans
to backfill) I’m supporting a team of 7 ELO members so I do a LOT. I’m
learning the ropes as I grow into the role (some changes include more
involvement with our Board, owning agenda, decks for our weekly ELO/leadership
meetings QBRs as well as being a more active participant, project management
with cross functional teams for weekly sprints related to our rally cry,
defining objectives, etc).
My Ask: With everything on my plate my honest response would be that I
want to grow into the role where I feel more comfortable and hit my stride so
that I can excel in it. How do I phrase this as a positive without committing
myself to taking on more work/responsibility/training/classes/etc?