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Chief of AI Report

Chief of AI Report
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Chief of AI Report

What are other companies doing?

Don’t Get Left Behind

The first question that we looked to uncover was: are companies actually using AI?

The answer was a resounding yes. Only 16 percent of companies represented in our survey are not yet using AI,with the remaining roughly 84 percent split between piloting/testing (49 percent) or having alreadyrolled out AI to either a department or to the full company (35 percent).

The 16 percent of companies that aren’t using AI yet may think of themselves as appropriately cautious, but this sluggish approach carries real risk. The highest growth & most competitive organizations are quickly integrating AI into how they operate. Businesses that don’t at least enter the testingstage soon will struggle to catch up on both capability & culture, especially as models proliferate and their abilities advance.

Does Size Matter?

Short answer: not really. While our data suggests some differences in how company size impacts AI adoption, even the largest companies represented (those with 5,000+ employees in our survey), have realized the benefits of implementing AI. Only 17 percent of our respondents who work at large companies say that their organization is “not using AI yet”, the same proportion at companies with between 1 and 50 employees.

Meanwhile, two thirds of respondents from those same large companies report that AI has been rolled out across their entire organization. Compare that with 13 percent of firms with 1-50 employees and 15 percent of firms with 51-500 employees.

Does this run counter to the popular narrative of smaller companies being nimble enough to adopt newtechnology quickly? Perhaps not. Larger budgets to support AI adoption, pressure from executives and shareholders, & cost cutting initiatives associated with more complex business processes could be driving larger firms to realize the benefits of AI before smaller, simpler companies.

Insights from Operators

“DO it or you’ll be left behind.”
“Keep looking at what’s out there, it’s evolving so quickly… if you don’t develop a strategy,you will be left behind.”
“Saying ‘Don’t use AI’ is like saying, don’t drive a car or use electricity … Whether you like it or not, the AI revolution will come.” -Masayoshi Son
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Interested in learning more about AI?

As a Chief of Staff, BizOps leader, or senior operator, you have a unique opportunity to drive AI adoption and position yourself as a leader in this transformation.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce the Chief of AI Fellowship, a 6-week immersive program designed to equip high-level operators with the AI strategy, automation, and implementation skills needed to create next-gen organizations.

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