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Fractional CoS and CoS Consulting Best Practices



Aug 16, 2023


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Fractional CoS and CoS Consulting Best Practices

Types of work:

Fractional - usually as a retainer

Consulting - hourly pay and more gig focused

Why CoS Fractional?

-someone can’t afford a full-time hire

-you may want to try or trial working with someone and/or company. “Try before you buy”

How CoS Fractional?

-often through network and referrals

-other platforms like Upwork either don’t deliver high quality work and/or they take


-generally seek 1.5x your hourly rate. Equity comp is possible too.


-given layoffs, the need for someone to be a company glue is high. That said, there is a higher supply of people seeking fractional CoS work

-Fractional HR and Fractional CFO roles are generally more popular and defined in the workplace

-While the popularity of CoS fractional/consulting exists, you still need to educate people.


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